What is the ZERO is No Accident initiative?
The construction industry is expected to rebound significantly in 2022, and expand by 9.1% in real terms, positioning it as a significant contributor to South Africa’s post COVID-19 economic recovery, and national infrastructure development plan.
According to The Construction Industry in South Africa 2020 report , in 2019, the value added by the construction sector accounted for around 4% of the country’s GDP and employed well over 1.3 million people.
However, a closer look at the inner workings of the construction industry reveals a disconcerting dark side, veiled by the wealth of opportunities.
On average, a shocking 36 people sustain injuries requiring medical attention while on duty every single day resulting in temporary disablement, permanent disablement, and the loss of life.
With a track record spanning 86 years in the field of workmen’s compensation, The Federated Employers Mutual Assurance Company RF Proprietary Limited (FEM) is one of two private sector companies that have been issued a license to provide services under the COID Act by the South African government. FEM is licenced to provide COIDA cover for construction companies.
FEM strongly believes that every accident is preventable, and that an industry with ZERO accidents is achievable. Because ultimately FEM regularly engages with lives that are severely affected by workplace safety.
Whether it be a loss of life, an injury, a claim or a settlement… lives are changed by these events.
Getting to ZERO will not happen by chance, it requires purposeful planning, and a concerted effort by all industry stakeholders to foster positive change in behaviours, attitudes and perceptions towards health and safety, for a sustainable industry.
Therefore, as the campaign name suggests,
The initiative will raise awareness on the root causes that plague the industry.
ZERO is FEM’s commitment to enabling full COIDA compliance in the construction industry by:
Leveraging our INFLUENCE to promote commitment to health and safety
EDUCATING on the pitfalls associated with workplace fatalities and the importance of committing to a sustainable workforce
Engaging stakeholders and RE-INFORCING the legal obligation to COIDA compliance
Rallying PUBLIC SUPPORT for an excellent and sustainable workers compensation service by ensuring high success rate in the processing of valid claims
Committing to social change by uplifting communities thus CHANGING LIVES.